

Tacticor reconditioned brass products are fully cleaned, polished and receive a full visual inspection prior to packaging to ensure the highest quality.  Tacticor fully guarantees that all fully processed brass products meet SAAMI specifications for their respective calibers.  Our unprocessed brass products are fully cleaned, polished and receive a full visual inspection prior to packaging to ensure the highest quality but are not processed to SAAMI specifications.  

PLEASE NOTE: Careless or incorrect handloading procedures can cause hazardous conditions resulting in serious personal injury.  Always follow your firearms manufacturer’s technical load data and be familiar with your loading equipment to ensure proper use of this ammunition component prior to loading and firing.  Tacticor, LLC will not be held liable for damages resulting from using this product in a manner inconsistent with its prescribed use.  Tacticor, LLC does not warrant that the products are merchantable or fit for any particular purpose, and this sale is made as-is and with all faults, and there are no express or implied warranties made by Tacticor, LLC, except as expressly stated. Due to the complexity of federal, state and local laws, you must ascertain whether a product is legal in your state and locality.  Tacticor, LLC makes no representation that this product is legal in your state or locality.

WARNING: This product may contain lead or other substances known to cause cancer, birth defects, reproductive harm, or other physical illnesses.  Wash your hands thoroughly after exposure.  KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.